
What is Volunteering?

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial gain “to benefit another person, group or organizaiton” (wikipedia)

What is volunteering with MOCA?

Volunteering is lending your time to ensure a high quality of life for Millican/Ogden/Lynnwood residents through recreation programs and services, active committees to better the neighborhood as well as hosting social gatherings.

Volunteer Achievements

  • have working relationships with the City on important issues
  • operate facilities: arena, upper & lower halls, resource centre
  • maintain & operate facilities for the betterment of the community
  • host special events: carnivals, jelly bean dances, lego contest, community clean up, parade of garage sales
  • host fundraisers: casino, special events
  • assist the resource centre: gardening, child minding, food hamper pick ups

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Board of Directors
  • Casino
  • Civic Affairs
  • Special Events​​
  • Jelly Bean Dances
  • Lego Contest
  • ​Community Clean Up
  • Carnival

How to Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering with MOCA:

Phone: 403-279-3973
Email: rentals@millicanogdencommunity.com